Better Website

According to Statista, 287 million people use the internet. As people search for goods and services, opportunities would pass those who lack a website. Your website is the digital location of your business. It’s where customers go to find out more about what you do, how, when, where, and maybe even why. All the information customers need is right there. Just like a clean business card or dynamic vehicle graphics, a business’s website is another extension of it. Having a website is one thing, but having one that increases response and engagement is another.

Your Website

The company website should be treated just like any other marketing material. It’s a place where your business’s DNA can be infused digitally. Being a part of the brand identity, you’d want to elicit the same impression from the website as the business card. All colors, typefaces, styles, and imagery should be in line with the rest of the branding. If there’s disconnect, a fractured brand image would result. A branded website adds credibility to the business and lets people know you’re for real.

Digital Branding

Branding the website properly is important. Equally so is having all pertinent information easily accessible to the visitor. 97% of consumers use the internet to find a business. If they can’t find how to contact you within the first few seconds of being on the site, they’ll look somewhere else. The phone number, email address, and address should be displayed prominently for easy viewership. Including the story of your “why” will get people engaged and interested in what you offer. Details such as offerings, services, etc. can have their own page of the site as well. 

Search Engine Optimization

SEO is the other half of the equation. It doesn’t matter how well the site is laid out or how much information it contains if no one can find it through search. Search Engine Optimization lets browsers know that your digital space exists. One of the tenets of SEO is the keyword. Keywords are comprised of words that people would search for to find your business. It’s important to speak the language of your customers. If you’re a landscaper in Rochester Hills, that can be included in the meta description of the site. Basically, that’s the blurb of what the site’s about when you make a Google search. Having solid SEO will increase web presence and lead to conversions.

Bringing it Together

The website can serve as the digital hub of your internet presence. Connecting social media to it will also increase web presence. Even SEO! People like to see the inside of a business. There’s a human element people appreciate knowing they’re still involved in the day to day. Your story can be told post by post. Having a social media presence instills trust in consumers. It’s in the business’s best interest to be reachable through multiple mediums. The same DNA from the brand identity can be used on social media as well. It’s not necessary to be on every platform, but seeing what platforms customers use can help tailor marketing to those people. See us if you feel you need to upgrade your online presence. 

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